
Otsingu tulemus

1800.00 EUR / fikseeritud hind


Töö kirjeldus
Sobid meile kui oled noor ning abitsioonikas! Müügiesindaja ülesanne on esitleda innovatiivseid tooteid ning sõlmida müügilepinguid klientidega. Võimalus areneda müügijuhiks ja teha enda tiim edukas ning arenevas ettevõttes.

1. Igapäevane klientidega kohtumine E-R = 4 kohtumist päevas

2. Klientide nõustamine

3. Innovaatiliste toodete esitlemine

4. Müügilepingute sõlmimine klientidega ja müügiga seotud aruandlus

5. Suhtlemine Kliendihalduritega

Nõudmised kandidaadile
Sind iseloomustab sihikindlus ja veenmisoskus. Sul on omandatud vähemalt keskharidus ja tahad elult midagi enamat! Sa ei pea oskama müüki ja me ei eelda eelnevat kogemust - selle kõik annab kätte meie tasemel koolitus!

Sul on olemas isikliku sõiduauto kasutamise võimalus. Sa oled julge ja entusiastlik! Oled õpihimuline ning algatusvõimega.

Pead rääkima puhtalt eesti keeles.

Ettevõte pakub
# Toetavad noored kolleegid õpetavad ameti kiiresti selgeks!

# Tasemel müügikoolitus, mis tagab suurepärased tulemused!

# Organiseeritud kliendikohtumisi! (Kliendihaldurid hoolitsevad selle eest).

# Väga head ning motiveerivat töötasu:
Põhitasu + Tulemustasu + Autokompensatsioon + Boonused

# Võimalus teha karjääri!

fikseeritud hind

Sales and Customer Service Specialist (Latvian, Estonian, Romanian or Hungarian) - Warsaw or home office

Jobhouse Ltd., for its Customer, world-class leader customer services, is looking for a persons to work in its dynamically developing company in the position of:
Sales and Customer Service Specialist (Latvian, Estonian, Hungarian or Romanian) - Warsaw or home office

Job description:
•contacting individual clients by phone and actively selling them company's products;
•developing sales strategies and creating a model for upselling products;
•determining individual needs of a client;
•working with our internal system, applications and databases;
•creating a positive image for the organization and caring for positive business relations.

•proficiency in one of these languages: Estonian, Latvian, Hungarian or Romanian (min. level C1) - a necessary condition
•communicative knowledge of Polish or English (min. level B2) - a necessary condition
•minimum high school education
•experience in a position related to customer service or sales is always appreciated;
•highly-developed communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills;
•excellent organisational skills;
•independence and ambition to reach targets;
•motivation and a commitment to one’s duties;
•high-speed internet access and appropriate conditions for remote work

We offer:
•flexible hours of work (between 8 and 21 from Monday to Sunday) which may be adjusted to your needs, high independence;
•the opportunity to work in office (Warsaw, Poland) or home office
•two-component remuneration (base remuneration + commissions);
•a dedicated coordinator to supervise while you learn the ropes;
•training under the supervision of experienced professionals;
•advanced equipment necessary to perform the appointed tasks;
•the opportunity to communicate on a regular basis in a language you know well.

If you are interested in our offer and you fulfill our Customer’s demands, please send us your resume in Polish or English languages version to: stating reference number: SPRZED/WAW/JEZ and language you applied.

We will contact only selected Candidates.

Please ensclose: "I declare my consent for the processing by Jobhouse Sp. z o. o. seated in al. Grunwaldzka 31, 80-241 Gdańsk of my personal data included in the application form and documentation connected with the Jobhouse job offer in compliance with the Polish Law on the protection of personal data: Ustawa z dnia 29.08.1997 r o ochronie danych osobowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2002 r. nr 101 poz. 926 ze zm.). I also declare my consent for Jobhouse Sp. z o.o. seated in al. Grunwaldzka 31, 80-241 Gdańsk to entrust processing of my personal data to third persons in compliance with the Polish Law on the protection of personal data for the purpose of current or possibly future recruitment organized by Jobhouse. I hereby make this declaration voluntary and I state that I was informed about my rights under the Polish Law on the protection of personal data, especially about my right to access to my data and to correct them.”

fikseeritud hind

fikseeritud hind

fikseeritud hind

Требуется продавец в алкогольный магазин

В алкогольные магазины "Lime" требуются продавцы, желательно с опытом работы в торговле!

Скользящий рабочий график (с 10:00-22:00). Длинная короткая неделя или 2/2. От себя предлагаем официальное трудоустройство, конкурентно способную зароботную плату, дружный коллектив.

Nurmenuku, Pae, Pärnu mnt, Linnamäe, Mustamäe, Sõle.


+372 555 174 25